Revised blurb
New Warhammer 40k Combat Resolution System

Cover art found, additional flourishes being added

It took a while, but I've got the cover art I want to use.  I'm still building the actual cover file, but in this exclusive sneak peak, I can reveal that the flag of the Commonwealth will feature prominently:

Commonwealth flag

As one might expect for a space-centric state, stars and sun imagery feature prominently.  The central sunburst symbolizes the Commonwealth itself, while the sixteen stars represent the original members of the Commonwealth Charter.  As our story begins, the Commonwealth has more than 4,000 member worlds.

I've also heard back from more test readers who've asked for additional background materials to be added.   With more than a dozen major characters, I'm told it can be a little overwhelming, so I've put together a brief summary of "who's who" to help readers navigate.




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