I'm getting a very 1935 vibe
Ford Madox Ford vs Evelyn Waugh

Veterans Day - a day later

I planned to do a Veterans Day post, but it turned out I was rather busy and then sore and tired.

Anyway, Michigan had been having warm, unusually balmy weather which of course went away hours before I was to play "Taps."  Figures.

There was better turnout at Memorial Park this year, which was nice.  Some years there were three people there - including me.  We had a dozen yesterday.  There were some younger people as well, so maybe a new tradition is taking root with the next generation.

It's all well and good to give out discounts or free food on Veterans Day, but I think it's even more important to observe the little rituals, such as the moment of contemplation at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month.

Hopefully we'll see even more people next year.



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