No news is good news
The other day I decided to visit what had formerly been a mainstay of my daily web surfing. I scrolled through the headlines, scanned the posts and realized that even though I had been away for three months, nothing substantive had changed.
Oh, the names were a little difference, but mostly it was full of outrage about this thing or that, and in the comment section the same voices said the same old things.
I think a lot of people are stuck in that cycle of being perpetually angry or worried. As far as I can tell, breaking away from that hasn't left me any less informed on practical matters, but it has freed up a huge amount of time and energy for more productive (and enjoyable) activities.
Another problem with news immersion is that it blinds us to the importance of the spirit world. As Trotsky never said: "you may not be interested in spirits, but spirits are interested in you!"
One of the ways that the secular materialist worldview has taken over society is that it has become the only "respectable" way to see things. All analysis, all reporting, all documentation is doing using that lens. Yet there is quite clearly a spiritual side to what is going on today. How else to explain the frantically anti-Christian fervor sweeping the popular culture? Even within the Catholic Church we find clergy and even archbishops demanding fundamental changes to Church teachings to facilitate sexual license and depravity.
In almost any other epoch, such outbursts would be unimaginable, and yet here we are.
Sometimes, the best move in a game is simply not to play. Over the last few years I have intermittently tried to make sense of things using the secular materialist worldview I developed over decades. For a long time, it was adequate and indeed predictive. That is no longer the case. My predictive record using it is abysmal.
So why use a frame of analysis that makes one anxious, angry and depressed if it's not even accurate?
I think for a lot of people, it's just a habit, but it is one worth breaking.
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