Vampires of Michigan - the Roar of '84?
I'm once again binge-watching the early seasons of Miami Vice and I'm thinking it would be fun to set the next installment in the World Series Championship year of 1984. It's an interesting year for a variety of reasons. Obviously there is the George Orwell angle, but 1984 marked a rare moment of unity in American politics. The notion of a a presidential candidate carrying 49 states is inconceivable today.
Whether looking at Cold War politics, cultural differences and of course the far superior music and entertainment, I think it would be fun.
As to the plot...well, that's yet to be determined. I've got a couple of ideas and I'm sure some of the same characters will be represented.
Of course, nothing may come of it, but that's the fun of being a novelist - not just the ideas that are completed, but the ones that are tossed around for fun.