War has no rules
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The United Methodists formally embrace sodomy

I was actually surprised that this was not already the case, but apparently the rump United Methodist Church has now formally declared itself a sodomite worship community.

All manner of sexual perversion is now licit, and of course it's not only licit, but encouraged!   First Things has a nice summary of what happened, and also notes the underhanded way that this was achieved.

I think that's an important aspect of this shift.  For the last two decades, the UMC leadership was actively thwarting attempts to enforce its own rules against deviant behavior.  There was an actual process to change their doctrine, but radicals knew they didn't have the votes, so instead of accepting defeat, they simply used their influence to thwart all attempts at enforcing their own rules.

This included attacking traditionalists, forcing them out of local councils and boards, regardless of their many years of service.  All of this was done in the name of "compassion," of course.

This is classic progressive/woke behavior, Yard Sign Calvinism at its finest because breaking rules is just fine so long as you are part of the elect.  There's also a strong element of justification by rage alone because as always, the righteousness of the cause obviates every nasty thing done in advancing it.

The resounding irony here is that Methodism started as a call to individual holiness, a way of achieving individual perfection through Christ.  The aspirational Methodist did not smoke, drink of swear.  They not only met but exceeded Biblical standards of behavior.

This vote is a resounding repudiation of their faith.  It is a theological purge to ensure that none of the traditionalist can possibly remain in the denomination.  It is an open declaration that the United Methodist Church stands squarely on the side of sexual perversion and license.

I'm old enough to remember people saying that "gay marriage" would actually reinforce Christian values by teaching sexual deviants the virtue of monogamy - as if they needed a scrap of paper to realize the virtue of not banging everyone within reach.

But of course there will be no sanctions against any UMC minister for extra-marital sex.  That would be "judgemental," and I expect the next step will be plural marriage, which after all, is just another exciting experiment in love - and as we all know, "love is love."

I for one welcome the UMC finally being honest about what it stands for.  They have chosen their side, and they will surely receive their reward.


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