Father's Day in a gender-fluid world
Nowhere is the demonic influence on secular society more clear than in the attempt to abolish or pervert all traditional relationships. The radical trans movement seeks to annihilate motherhood as well as fatherhood as we have known them, and replaced them with arbitrary, pseudo-technical terms that obscure more than they describe.
Yet despite all this, the hard-wiring in our brains remains, and we still default to the norms of human history.
This came to mind while watching The Acolyte reviews. During the third episode, there was a dispute between the "two mommies" and while they are supposed to be this superior, radically feminist relationship, it was basically a same-sex simulcrum of husband and wife. The taller, more powerful woman loomed over the shorter one, using her presence to coerce compliance. When the smaller woman asserted that she ought to take presence because "she carried them" (the children), the other retorted "I created them."
That's a pretty masculine way of putting things, no? It's also very strange to have motherhood - which lies at the very heart of the female experience - be denigrated in favor of an ersatz paternity. Because the big chick held the Force turkey-baster, this made her the superior to the woman who spent nine months carrying twins, went through the painful process of birth, and trials of post-partum depression, and of course nursing them at her breast - which is no mean feat with twins.
The Youtuber Disparu (whose excellent videos I have been following), noted that this seems to be a reference to surrogate pregnancy, and how gays think nothing of the birth mothers because they've done their thing and got paid for it.
Indeed, one of the interesting developments has been a growing awareness that "surrogate mothers" are actually a form of human trafficking. Women are paid to be impregnated, expected to carry the baby to term (perhaps gender-selected via IVF), and the child is taken from her at birth and bestowed on the purchasers. I've seen triumphant videos posted on social media, which go viral among religious folks in particular.
It's fascinating how we have this massive health care industrial complex built around teaching best practices in pregnancy and child-rearing and yet none of that applies to preferred groups like homosexuals.
Consider how many red flags are involved in this process.
First, we have the inherent immorality of the contract. A woman is being paid to give birth and hand over a human being. How this is not "involuntary servitude" I do not know. The entire transaction is fraught with moral problems. Why is this woman doing this? Is she compelled by circumstance? Is she a lawful resident? One can easily imagine trafficked women being forced into this role.
Now consider her mental state. Instead of treasuring the movements of her growing child, she is instead painfully aware that she will not enjoy the tender moments after birth, holding, feeding, nurturing the child of her flesh.
Post-partum depression is practically guaranteed. How can it not happen? She has no solace of holding the child, just money.
Meanwhile the child will not form a proper maternal bond. A key part of development (and comfort for both mother and child) is the closeness after birth. The beating of the mother's heart is uniquely relaxing. That is now gone.
Volumes of research show that breast-feeding is best for both mother and child, yet here it is categorically off the table.
I could go on.
In a consistent, rational world, the people who style themselves "women's advocates" would be up in arms over this, but of course they're celebrating the commodification of babies, just as the celebrate killing them in the womb.
As I said, it's demonic.
The truth is that fathers and mothers are complimentary, each bringing different gifts and fulfilling different needs. A huge part of the societal strife and breakdown we are seeing comes from the unwillingness of elites to sustain these vital institutions.
On the plus side, the market failure of The Acolyte is encouraging. Perhaps the tide is starting to turn.