Memorial Day's shifting meanings
Tiananmen Square and the tragedy of the Catholic Church in China

Pride cometh before the fall

Humans are not rational creatures, they are spiritual ones.  We do have a capacity for reason, but it is impaired by sin, particularly the sin of pride.

For example, there is a common assumption that if a person reacts to a certain stimulus one way, they will always react to it the same way.  This is manifestly untrue.  If I step on your toe once, you may not take any immediate action because you assume it was a mistake or even that you incautiously put your toe in the path of my stride.  However, when it keeps happening, you will eventually try to end it, either by moving away, warning me from doing it again, or physically assaulting me.

A clear example of this is the way that "Nice Christianity" has all but disappeared.  At the time, it seemed compassionate to welcome people suffering from moral shortcomings into the faith, perhaps hoping to heal them by refraining from criticism.  But - as is the case with all demonic behaviors - the afflicted were not content to sin in private, or even confine their acts to willing audiences, but instead felt the need to impose their degeneracy on all of us, particularly those most opposed to it.

"Live and let live" was immediately replaced with "bake the cake, bigot."

Right now, we are seeing a full-spectrum push against this, as all normal people - believers and non-believers alike - tire of being hectored and lectured by moral degenerates who demand endorsement for their degeneracy.

A year ago Bud Light was entering this month with its brand in freefall, and Target's bold decision to promote perverse, sexualized clothing to children generated an immediate and severe backlash.  Both companies have repented of their actions after severe financial damage, and many others wonder how to navigate the new terrain.  To ignore Pride Month is to court the wrath of radical activists who have access to immense wealth and power, but that is not enough to cover the economic costs of a broadly-based boycott by everyone else.

There is also a new assertiveness on the part of Christians, particularly the Catholic Church.  Eucharistic processions are taking place around the world in honor of the Solemnity of Body and Blood of Jesus Christ (Corpus Christi).  These are public demonstrations of faith, a direct challenge to the secular and demonic forces who currently control the culture.

A big part of why the "Woke" are so terrified by even the slightest dissent is that they know how fragile their position is.  Decadence is always a passing thing, sustained by a combination of apathy, affluence and moral complacency.  Economic turmoil, societal upheaval and a reassertion of traditional morals pose an existential threat to our current cultural environment.  "Gay marriage" has only been on the books for less than a decade and already public opinion is turning against it.  The crime of "surrogate pregnancy," wherein the rich and powerful buy the children of the poor and weak is also creating rising outrage at the very moment when desperate leftists are trying to lock into law.

A moment that founds itself on sin will reap the wages of sin.




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