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Belgium discovers that the Pope has opinions

Pope Francis is predictably unpredictable.  One moment he's flirting with legitimizing sodomy, the next he's asserting traditional Church teachings on abortion.

A pope for all seasons, I guess.

He recently visited Belgium, and the locals were surprised to find that the head of the Catholic Church has opinions about moral issues.  Is there a more telling example of secularism than telling the Pope not to speak out on abortion?

Obviously, this is part of the secularist project to banish traditional morality from the public square, but it's so juvenile.  Adding to the cartoon caricature of a debate is the behavior of the Belgian prelates

“He has stirred up controversy. We have to accept our society as it is. Christian witness needs to be more humble. I'm sure the Pope doesn't write all his speeches, but you have to take into account the context of the country you're in.”

That's a fascinating take, and probably why the Church in Europe is in steep decline.  With these cowardly shepherds tending the flock, no wonder the wolves are eating their fill on a daily basis.

Clearly the Belgian bishops still practice "go along to get along" Christianity, which is essentially slow-motion surrender.   If they cannot speak essential truths, they should step aside because they are clearly not doing their job, which is to save souls.

If your idea of evangelization is to downplay sin, remain silent on vital moral questions and not bear witness to holiness, you are objectively on the side of the devil.  I think a lot of European (and some American) clergy have resigned themselves to being an ignored, diminished people and want the Church to conform to the world rather than bring the world back into the Church.

I do give them credit where it's due: I've been a rather sharp critic of Pope Francis of late, but given their moral cowardice, I have to say I approve of him here.


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