Episcopal priest interdicts parish - because society is guilty
At this point, most of the Episcopal Church seems to be engaged in some sort of virtue-signaling performance art. God is at best a tertiary concern, something to be invoked for moral authority, but never a primary concern.
How else to explain the bizarre case of an Anglican Priest withholding the Eucharist until his social justice demands are met?
There are lots of ways to look at this nonsense, but the core problem is that the cleric has a very flawed understanding of salvation and the sacraments. In orthodox Christianity, there is no collective guilt. One cannot punish Peter for the sins of Paul. The whole point of Reconciliation is to receive a personal absolution, and the Eucharist is likewise administered on an individual basis.
To pretend otherwise is to eliminate any motivation for personal holiness, and destroy the hope of salvation.
Yet this is where we are, because the progressive politics exist to condemn rather than convert.
A couple of years ago I wrote about the national forgiveness deficit, and this is a great example of how it has infiltrated Christianity. The punishment is increasingly more important than the salvation.
Because that is really what faith is supposed to be about. This deranged cleric probably thinks he's being very saintly in some way, forcing the world to confront evil, but he's just preening about keeping people from God. Instead of being an intercessor he's become and interceptor, blocking Communion until his personal demands are met. His flock's salvation is being held for ransom, and it speaks volumes that his pathetic leadership can't managed to come to a decision after almost three years.
This is Dead-End Christianity, a faith that leads to nowhere. No conversion, no salvation, just preening and appealing to the Spirit of the Age. It cannot go away fast enough.