Fall of the Commonwealth is now available
“Fall of the Commonwealth” is now available for the Kindle and in paperback.
This is the longest book in the series because so much is going on. It was the most fun of all the books to write because after three years of working on the series, I really felt close to the characters.
Justin Tolliver really comes into his own in this book. The romance between Adam Flyte and Cristen Morra also develops more fully, but my proof readers tell me that the real love story is between Phae and Arrin Morra as they fight to preserve their marriage amidst war and political upheaval.
“Fall of the Commonwealth” also explores how conflict can drive people to extreme measures. There’s a widespread belief that once one side senses defeat, the heart goes out of it and the war comes to an end. That’s actually the opposite of what usually happens.
The Alliance knows it is losing, and Richard Martel and Oliver Praeto have to decide how far they are willing to go to turn the tide.
Meanwhile, there’s a lot of dissention in the Commonwealth ranks, particularly between the Ordo Militaris and the Ministry of Defense. Maxim Darius knows that nobody wanted him to become Premier and he also knows that plans are already in motion to kick him out. He’s got a lot of enemies and only one of them needs to get lucky to bring him down.
If all goes according to plan, the final book in the series will be released in a few weeks.